Monday, June 15, 2020

The irony is that plugging one’s ears and screaming “Bigot!” at someone who is trying to present a reasoned argument is, of course, itself a kind of bigotry -- perhaps the worst kind, insofar as someone self-righteously in love with the idea that he is the paradigmatic anti-bigot is the least likely of all bigots to see his prejudices for what they are.
-Edward Feser
From Jeff Miller:
“Too many inveigh against the evils in society because it take their mind off the evil in themselves. They feel better, as if they had done something: just indignation gives the illusion of justice. So with the reprobation of other’s sins, which happen not to be our own. One can work oneself up to a high state of indignation and return to the enjoyment of one’s own sins with a sense of the good fight well fought”.

Frank Sheed - Christ in Eclipse

Before this he quoted Samuel Butler’s lines about people who:
Compound for sins they are inclined to By damning those they have no mind to.
A reminder to himself he references.